Active SEO Consultants & Digital Marketing that Grow Your Business

Active SEO Consultants specialize in improving a company’s online presence by using techniques like keyword optimization and link building. With their expertise, businesses can attract more visitors to their websites and increase their online visibility.

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20+ Reviews

A 10-year journey is not too long, but we are proud that our dedication and efforts have been recognized along the way.

Team Up with Real Experts

Team Up with Real Experts to benefit from their specialized skills and insights, ensuring successful outcomes for your endeavors. Collaborating with authentic professionals enables you to tap into their expertise and achieve superior results in your projects.

About Us

We Focus on building Strong, Intuitive and Dynamic Sites.

We focus on building strong, intuitive, and dynamic sites. Our goal is to create websites that are powerful, easy to use, and visually appealing. With our expertise, we ensure that every website we design is not only functional but also intuitive, making it effortless for users to navigate and find what they need. By prioritizing strength, usability, and dynamism, we deliver websites that leave a lasting impression and drive success for our clients.


Years in the business


projects completed

Our Services

Serving over 250 Clients in East London

We proudly serve over 250 clients in East London. Our commitment to excellence and dedication to customer satisfaction have allowed us to build strong relationships across the continent. With tailored solutions and reliable support, we continue to meet the diverse needs of our clients, helping them achieve their goals and thrive in their respective industries.

Make the first move

Keyword Research

Services focused on identifying the most relevant and high-traffic keywords for a website’s target audience. This involves analyzing search volumes, competition levels, and user intent to develop an effective keyword strategy.

On-Page SEO​

Services centered around optimizing individual web pages to improve search engine rankings and attract organic traffic. This may include keyword optimization, meta tags, content optimization, and internal linking.

Off-Page SEO

Services aimed at enhancing a website’s authority and relevance through activities conducted outside of the website itself. This may include link building, social media marketing, and influencer outreach.

Technical SEO

Services that address technical aspects of a website to improve its visibility and crawlability by search engines. This may include website speed optimization, mobile-friendliness, structured data markup, and XML sitemap creation.

Local SEO

Services targeted at businesses looking to improve their visibility in local search results. This may include optimizing Google My Business profiles, local keyword targeting, and citation building.

What Our Clients Say

From satisfied customers to thriving partnerships, these testimonials offer insights into the quality of our work, the effectiveness of our solutions, and the level of satisfaction our clients experience. So, take a moment to hear directly from those we’ve had the privilege to serve. Their words speak volumes about the dedication, expertise, and results we deliver.

Outstanding service! Professional, responsive, and highly skilled team. Exceeded expectations with exceptional quality and attention to detail. Seamless communication throughout the project. Would highly recommend!

Markus Dumble

CEO Global BMT

Incredible experience! This team truly understands client needs and delivers exceptional results. Their creativity and attention to detail are unmatched. Communication was smooth, and they went above and beyond to ensure our satisfaction. Highly recommend their services!
Alan Ginsburg
Smart GH
Amazing work! The team’s expertise and professionalism made our project a breeze. They listened to our ideas and transformed them into something truly remarkable. Their commitment to excellence and dedication to meeting deadlines were impressive. Can’t wait to collaborate with them again!
Kate Bucher
Learning Online
Five-star service all around! From the initial consultation to the final delivery, this team exceeded our expectations. Their talent and innovation brought our vision to life in ways we couldn’t have imagined. Responsive communication and a seamless process made working with them a pleasure. Highly recommend for any project big or small!
Bill Mingo

Selected Works

t’s a glimpse into the diverse range of industries we’ve served, the challenges we’ve overcome, and the innovative solutions we’ve delivered. From cutting-edge designs to groundbreaking campaigns, each featured project represents a testament to our expertise, creativity, and commitment to excellence. Whether you’re seeking inspiration, validation of our capabilities, or simply interested in exploring our portfolio, our selected works offer valuable insights into what we can achieve together. So, take a moment to browse through our showcase and discover the possibilities for your next project.

Explore our selected works to see how our SEO strategies have helped businesses like yours achieve higher search engine rankings and increased online visibility.

Make the first move


Welcome to Active SEO Consultants! We’re here to help your website get noticed online. Our team specializes in making sure your site shows up higher in search results, bringing more visitors your way. Whether you’re just starting out or have been around for a while, we’ve got the tools to help you stand out on the web. Let’s work together to make your online presence shine!

Ready to Grow Your Business?

Our services are designed to support your growth journey, providing you with the tools, resources, and expertise you need to thrive. So if you’re ready to unlock your business’s full potential, let’s embark on this journey together. Let’s grow your business, together.